Up On The Housetop

Up On The Housetop - Suzanne Rock Up on the Housetop is a steaming sexy paranormal romance story, that I really enjoyed. I was suppose to have been reading another book instead of this one, but by the time I looked at my kindle and seen the name of the book I was too involved with reading it to put on by breaks and stop. This is a great story about finding a lost love. I loved the emotions, passion and connection between the hero and heroine.

Chloe had enough for one night and goes up on her housetop to escape life. She ends up yelling at the moon and throwing her bottle of champagne off the roof, think about how her life has taken this turn. As she is going through things in her mind about her past life, she finally notices her bottle never hit anything, she then asks if someone is out there? After a few times of asking, someone appears behind her and she is faced with a man that seems familar in ways. What connection does she have, this unknown man? You’ll have to read and find out. I will say this is an emotional read and some things maybe hard to take in, just remember if you lost your loved one and they never contacted you and you moved on in life then all the sudden they are there, you may not do things as you think.

Zach can’t take it anymore, he has to go and get his love The thing is he has changed in more ways then one and Chloe may not be able to handle what he has become. I loved the way Zach is persistent and won’t let Chloe go.

I recommend this to erotic paranormal romance readers.