Venice Vampyr: Final Affair

Venice Vampyr: Final Affair - Tina Folsom Venice Vampyr: Final Affair is another great read by Tina Folsom. Tina is known for her heated vampire books, but she turned up the emotions in this one, I really enjoyed it. I liked how Tina added some pictures between the chapters, it makes you get a better feel for the stroy.

Viola is taking her last few months of life to get rid of her virginity problem before she takes her life. What she didn’t expect was to find a man that can give her another option for life. I really liked Viola she is in a tuff situation and does what she thinks is right.

After Drake finds Viola in a whorehouse he takes her home to have a night of fun sex, but what he didn’t expect was Viola’s outcome after the affair. Now that Drakes pride has been hurt he has to make amends. I liked Derek in this book. The first book Venice Vampyr, I didn’t really like him he had a very bad attitude, so I just thought it would be the same when I started reading this one. I was very happy in the change.

This is a nice quick sexy read with plenty of hot sex, so be prepared for it.