Temptation of a Highland Scoundrel

Temptation of a Highland Scoundrel - Sue-Ellen Welfonder I didn’t care for the first book in this trilogy, but this one I really enjoyed. I loved and connected with the hero and heroine and the magical legends storyline was very compelling. I could really see the Glen of Many Legends come to life in my head this time around. I felt like I got to know more of these three ladies, the pact they have between them and how it’s going to work out for the next lucky Lady.

This story takes you into Lady Isobel’s fixation on making Kendrew her destiny and she pulls out all of the stops to capture him and his heart. I loved the way the author brought Isobel’s hammer mark into the story. I just love reading a heroine that will stop at nothing to get her man even if it’s going into his territory and letting him have his way with her.

I really didn’t see Kendrew being a true scoundrel and I think that was one of the reasons I liked reading him more. He is funny, witty and downright loveable when he wants to be.

If you’re an historical lover this series is very believable and fun. I can’t wait for this next book.